Please see Post on Sept. 27 for the winner!!!
Hello everyone! For those of you who read Women to Women you know that I recently wrote a devotional "Who Do You Follow". In that devotional I drew an analogy between the concept of "following" someone on their blog or Twitter, etc. and the words of Jesus when He said "Follow Me". I also mentioned the idea of blog candy, and how often people who are giving away a gift will ask you to "tell others" about their candy. I drew the paralell to Jesus when He said to his disciples "Follow me and I will make you fishers of men". Networking is the best way to get information, and to share information! As an illustration of my devotional thoughts, I decided to give some BLOG CANDY myself!
This candy will remain open until Sept. 25. Each person who qualifies for the drawing will have their name put on a slip of paper, and on Sept. 26, since that's my husband's birthday, he will draw a name. The candy is open to everyone. This is a list of what one blessed person will win:
New Box of EK Success Fibers
Tube of gem stones
Several new ribbons
New Fiskars Decorative Scissors
New Fabric Designer Brads by Spare Parts
2 Studio G clear acrylic mini Stamp Sets
1 Sheet Inkadinkado Christmas Stamps
1 New Cuttlebug Embossing Folder: Happy Birthday
1 New Pack of the newly released BasicGrey 6 x 6 "June Bug" Paper
48 NEW PRISMACOLOR PENCILS! (These are the ones you use with Gamsol for a fantastic look!)
Of course, my candy cannot even compare to the gift Jesus offered to us... His gift was the free gift of forgiveness of sin, salvation and eternal life to all who will place their trust in Him. Following Him is our joy when we know Him!
What are the requirements to be eligeable to win this candy?
~ I'd love to have you follow my blog, but it isn't a requirement.
~ I'd love to have you follow Women to Women and I hope you will do so... it might just serve as a balm for your soul! If you feel you would enjoy it, please do!
The requirements to be eligable to win are:
1. Post a link to this candy on your blog and make a comment back to me here with a link to it. If you don't have a blog, leave me a comment on how you will tell others about this give away.
2. For a second chance to win, please read my devotional or any other one- (new ones are posted once a week) and come back here and leave me a comment about what you liked about what you read.
That's it! Real simple!
Be sure to check back here on Sept. 27 when I will announce the winner!
What a great way to share both of your God given talents....crafting and sharing the good news. I have you on my blog and I am following your blog and the women to women as well.
No it can not compare to our Savior, but it is lovely of you to share.
It was a good devotional on salvation.
Grace I loved your devotional. And you'll notice that in the comment I left on Women to Women. It was wonderful to hear such a relevant and personal declaration of the Gospel. Thanks for doing it!! Oh and the challenge to all of us was great!
Oops I forgot to tell you about the link I made on my blog to yours! Check it out please!
Loved your devotional, I thought it was very neat about how many parallel's there are :)! I liked how your devotional was written too. Thanks for this chance to win some goodies :)! I became a follower of your blog, of women to women and I posted about your blog candy on my blog:
Inky Hugs,
Ohh wowww Gayle,what a beautiful blog candy.
Hugs Riet.x
I absolutely read your devotional today and it gave me pause to think about a couple of things that are going on in my "crafting" life. Thank you for the reminder of where my strength should come from! :o) I'm linking you up on my blog now!
Hi Grace!!
I have only visited Women to Women a few times. I commend you on a very well written, concise, and creative presentation of the gospel message. I need to reread it, go back and comment later when I have given it some time to settle. Thanks for being so willing to share your faith with ohers!
I will inlude a link to your post with the candy on my blog, we'll see if it actually works!!
Blessings, Traci
Grace, you have gone over & beyond... please don't include me in your blog candy draw as I just wanted to let you know that you are one amazing woman of faith and I count it a privilege to consider you my friend!
Thank you for your inspiration today - I just finished reading your devotional after linking to it from Lorie Ames' blog. I do not have a blog, but I will share your site with others. Your words touched me today. Thank you for reminding me that of all the things I "follow," Jesus should be at the top of the list!
Thanks for offering the blog candy - It's a great incentive for getting people to your blog - and reading This Message! I did post your blog candy on my sidebar Here
Thanks to Lorie for mentioning your Devotional. A very special one indeed! And I will follow your blog. I have put the Women to Women as a favorite already!
Awesome blog candy.Thanks a lot for sharing.
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Grace! you're such and inspiration! Ive been reading Women to Women sharing Jesus from the start! I don't often comment but I love it! I especially love the your Follow Me post! It's something that I need today... It really touched my heart. I posted a link to your candy over at my blog.
Thank you for helping keep me focused.
Hello my friend, wow, straight to the heart Grace! Thank you! I am already a keen follower of yours and you pointed me to WTW months ago and I have been following since then - So I am already a winner. I am going back to reread your devotional and will commenton it tomorrow (it is very late here - nearly early! LOL) Prisma's are the things I can only dream of - what a gorgeous BLOG CANDY Grace - I am off to link it to my Blog! Thank you for the opportunity to play!! {{{hugs}}}
Sorry I do not have an active blog but I will share your site with those in my yahoo group. Thank you for the chance to win this fabulous blog candy. However you are so right that this candy does not compare to the best candy God gave us in Jesus Christ.
I read your devotional on Women to Women. That site has been on my bookmarked list for several months. It is always a good way to start or end my day. Thank you for such a great comparison today about following. Dar
Thanks so much for offering this amazing blog candy. So sweet of you. And it's such a great way to witness the love of Jesus to others.
I have become a follower & have linked it on my blog sidebar
Now I'm off to read the devotional.
Thanks again!
Huggies ~
I read your devotional & love what you said about how "Jesus offered the candy of all candies!" What an awesome gift He gave to each one of us!
I also wanted to tell you that the Sept 27th is a special day in my life.........it was my father's birthday as well (he passed away 24 yrs ago & I still miss him).
Blessings to you ~
Hi! lovely blog candy!! thanks for the chance to win :) Im going to link your blog right now!
Here is my blog.
thank you for this chance
Hello Grace...nice to "Meet" You!! :) I started following WTWSJ months ago and have their badge on my blog. I just want to say what a blessing you are as well as the other writers over there! Jesus speaks to us through you ladies just what we need to hear and when we need to hear it. Thank you for your thought-provoking, heart touching articles.
Ok, about the candy--what a SWEETIE you are!! That's so fabulous that you are having a giveaway! :) I posted your Blog Candy HERE
Thanks again Grace! {{Inky Hugs}}
I did read you "Who Do You Follow" post over at WTW and LOVED IT! It not only is so well-written and accurate, but it follows what Jesus did...He gave many parables and ANALOGIES to draw people in and touch them where they were at and how they can understand! I don't know a blogging soul that doesn't know what Blog candy is all about, so that was very good to draw that analogy to following Jesus. You're so RIGHT ON--the Ultimate CANDY is Jesus gift of Himself on that cross for our sins. I don't write devotionals on my stamping blog, although I do provide some Christian blinkies and badges etc., but I did start a family blog where I like to write what's on my heart. Don't take the time often enough to keep up with it, and I certainly don't consider myself "well-written" but you are such an inspiration and I hope to do more of that in the future. THANK YOU!! God Bless!
Grace, your name fits you so well. You are gracious to share this gift, but even more gracious to share the love of our Lord with us. I loved your devotional. It's so easy to get caught up in reading blogs and facebook and SCS threads that I can forget that the only time spent with eternal value is when I spend time with my Lord and am serving Him throughout the day. I'll go link this to my blog now!
Grace thanks for the wonderful devotional. I could not have read it on a better day as I missed Church this morning. :( What a wonderful read and what a wonderful gift you have given by writing such a wonderful piece of work. I love that you wrote it in a way that people of today can relate.
I have also added your candy to my blog. Thank you so much for offering it. I have a small set of Prisma colored pencils which I love and would be grateful to have a larger set with more colors. Thanks for the chance! HERE is a link to my post about your blog candy.
Grace, thank you for stopping by my site and leaving such wonderful comments. your site is beautiful and you are sooooooo talented. Can't wait till I have more time to really browse. God bless you and thank you for you challenging devotional!
Interesting analogy...will definitely go check out the W2W blog. Thanks for the chance at some great candy...adding you to my candy bowl HERE
What a wonderful blog and devotional. I just joined. I just love your thought provoking questions at the end of the devotional. Sometimes we get so caught up on following worldly things (trends, internet sites, tv, etc) we seem to forget that Christ is our leader and the ultimate one to follow. Thanks for reminding us to prioritize our faith in Christ.
Very interesting post, Grace. Something to think about that's for sure!
Hi Grace! What awesome candy you are offering! I love your analogy of following Jesus! I will post a link to your blog candy and read your devotional. I am already a follower.
Good luck to everyone!
Thank you for the wonderful opportunity to win such great blog candy. I have posted a picture with a link to your blog candy on my sidebar here: http://sunshinespaperobsession.blogspot.com/
I have also become a follower of Women to Women!
God Bless,
I appreciated your devotional about the "blog candy" Jesus offers to us every day. I can't think of a better gift and I hope others feel the same!
Also, I posted a link to your give-a-way on my blog at:
Thank you!!!
Hi Grace!
Thank you for offering this wonderful blog candy, but I agree with you AMEN, AMEN, AMEN I say to you Jesus has the real candy!
here's my blog link:
Christ's peace & love,
Hi Grace,
Thank you for the chance at winning the awesome candy you are offering. Your card creations are beautiful. I will be a follower!!
God Bless You Sister :-)
Mary Lou
Great blog...I am a follower and I have added your blog candy to my side bar....www.creationsbyjulie.blogspot.com
Hi Grace :) Just wanted to let you know that I am now a follower, I have posted your link to my CAN CAN CANDY side bar links. I had a gander at your devotional. Very thought provoking. I am so happy to help you spread the word about your candy and the wonderful messages you are trying to get across.
you can find your link here
Aloha Grace! Thank you for the chance at winning this lovely candy. Your blog is very inspirational and your cards are beautiful too.
Thank you Grace for becoming a follower of my blog. I just signed up to be a follower of your blog. It is wonderful to share your faith with you. Your cards are beautiful and I know you will be an inspiration to all of us.
Hi Grace,
thank you so much for the chance to win.
I have linked you on my sidebar.
Hugs, Paola
Your message on the other blog sounds like a wonderful one! It is so great to draw connections between faith and our everyday moments - showing that our spirituality is always alive and working in our day to day lives. Your blog candy is sure to be a special treat to whomever receives it! How sweet you are!
I left a link on my blog here ... www.myjaynes.blogspot.com ... thanx for the opportunity!
Grace, As you know I really enjoyed your inspiring devotional on WTW. Sorry to say is this the first time I looked at your blog in depth... I really love what I see... you are a talented lady... I will be back for more.
be blessed, Carin
You are a blessing to us all. I just wanted to stop by and tell you thank you ;)
Posted a link to your giveaway at my blog
I loved your devotional. I never would have thought of that analogy of "following" on blogs and twitter to following Jesus. Thanks for giving me another perspective on things.
Also, am now following both this blog and the Women to Women one. :)
Hello Grace, thank you for making that analogy, it does help me to refocus and think about who is really important in my life :) Thanks for the Candy, I have it on my left hand side bar. xox ~Jeni
Thank you for sharing Grace. I have emailed all my crafting friends with a link to your blog as I do not have my own blog. (I think I must be the only one left!)
Susan xxox
Hi Grace. That is some blog candy. I just love the inspirational music on your blog. Here is the link to my blog where I featured a picture of your blog candy and details: http://lisaslifelines.blogspot.com/ I sure miss ya. Thank you for checking in every once in awhile. So good to hear from you.
Your blog is quite inspirational. Thanks for sharing. I plan to give information about your blog to the families in my school.
What a beautiful blog. I've added it to my site: www.picturetrail.com/cre8tivearts.
Beautiful site and inspiration. I have added you to my site and became a follower. Thanks.
Love the music on your blog.. makes me want to stay on it all day.
I got your blog candy linked on my blog! Thanks for doing such a great thing!
I will sign up to follow your blog and that of women to women. Thank you for the chance to win! My son's birthday is the same day of the drawing - Happy birthday to your husband... :-)
Anita Holden
Oops, I forgot to tell you how I would tell others... through email of course with a link to this blog.
Anita Holden
Wow! What a sweet bunch of blog candy!
I will be posting this on my blog on 8/19/09! Thanks so much!!
I posted your candy in my sidebar at http://pausedreamenjoy.blogspot.com/
And thank you so much for telling me about Woman to Woman. I went and checked it out and it is awesome! I became a follower.
Have a great day!
I linked to ya! http://k3bmom.blogspot.com/2009/08/blog-candy-with-god-twist.html
Now to catch a devotional!!!
I found Ur blog. It's by the grace of God I'm still alive. I make cards to give away to others. I know I'm living on "borrowed time" & I hope thru my c-making to Iraq will be accepted. My 2nd s/ment goes out this week to another group of GI's. Will be back later to follow UR blog & check out the Womnen to Women blog.glograbear.blogspot.com,come & visit me leave a note in my chatbox. I'm h/bound & the web is my link to the o/side world. grandmabear
What a wonderful way to share God's love! I have posted your candy on my blog, and I am already a follower. Happy B'Day to your Hubby!
just found your blog through Lorie, and what a wonderful blog it is! And how awesome is your analogy to Jesus and blog candy! love it :) I've added this to sidebar Candy Bar. thanks for using this unique blog candy to spread the word about Jesus! {and thanks for the chance to enter too :) }
don't you wish you would just stop everything and follow Him like Simon, Peter, James & John? I know I do... but I also know I'm so prone to getting caught up in the everyday flow of life and all the little things, I so often forget to just follow Him, and everything else will fall into place. Thanks for the reminder, Grace :)
OMG!! God Bless you!! what a lovely candy you are offering!
I'm now a follower and linked or candy on my blog!
Thanks for the chance to win this generous candy!!
HI Grace!! I love the devotional you wrote as well as the one written this week by Diane. Amidst the trying week our family has been going through, what a comfort to know that God is in control and that true Joy comes from and happiness is temporary. I pray that my extended family would find comfort from this devotional as well.
I have linked the candy on my blog. I pray many who have not seen the devotionals will be inspired. What a great way to get people to read the devotionals Grace
blessings and hugs,
Hi Grace,
Thanks for the opportunity to win some blog candy! You know I love ya!!
Oops...here's where I put it on my blog. http://valspaperobsession.blogspot.com/2009/08/blog-candy-alert_20.html
Waw so fab candy, love to win it! I became your follower and linked you on my blog!
Great candy.I am now a follower & I have put a link to your candy in the sidebar of my blog. http://crochetedsass.blogspot.com/
Fantastic candy! I linked your candy on my blog
Thanks for the chance to win.
Magda x
Thank you for the chance to win this fabulous candy. I've linked you in my sidebar (http://nepozabnitrenutki.blogspot.com/).
I loved your devotional.
hugs, Natasa
Great blog and comments!! I also signed up to follow Women to Women, look forward to sharing in the devotional! Thanks for the opportunity to join in the drawing for the giveaways!
Beautiful candy! Thanks for the chance to win! I've posted a link on my blog. Off to check out your devotional.
Hi there
Great analogy. I love your work too.
Link is on my sidebar.
Ali x
Hi Grace, I've enjoyed your devotional so much. I appreciate the reminder to be mindful of who we truly follow. I've linked your candy offering to my sidebar and look forward to reading future devotionals of WTW. Thank you so much. :) Michelle
I'm sorry I don't have a blog as of yet. To much fun checking out everyone else's blog. Thanks so much for the chance to win. Hugs, Nellie.
Thanks for the chance at this candy. I'd don't have a blog at this point, just like the post above mine, I'm to busy reading other folks blogs. I keep finding new ones to watch, like yours!
Thanks so much Grace for this wonderful opportunity to participate in your lovely Blog Candy and to help bring others to your site and to WTW both of which I am now following : )
I will be adding your link to my blog today.
Doreen : )
When I first read your inspiring devotional on WTW:Sharing Jesus a few days ago, I was totally impressed at how well you used today's technology and everyday words and means to bring forward your message. You are an inspiration and I hope others will feel motivated and touched as I was.
P.S. I have put a link to your blog : )
Beautiful blog! Thank you for the chance to win such a fabulous candy, you're very generous. I really like your idea to share about God with today's technology.
By the way I added this candy on my blog.
I loved reading your devotional. I loved the analogies to things today that you used. you are an inspiration! thank you.
thats a very generous candy. thanks for the chance. I have added it to my blog. I will be back to become a follower...its not working for me right now
Happy Birthday for your husband!!!!
Great candy!Thank you for the chance to win!!!!
Linked it on my sidebar. Welcome to my blog http://karysoltany.blogspot.com/
Thanks and hugs from Israel!!!!
Yummy Candy! Thanks for the chance to win! I linked both on my sidebar and in a post. You can find the post at:
I became a follower tonight too!
I really enjoyed reading your devotional. Thank your for adding that into your post for everyone to go read. I really enjoyed reading the Women to Women blog and became a follower of it tonight.
Hello Grace & Happy Bd To your DH
thanks for the chance at your sweet candy I've linked you into my side bar to spread the word
Nikki C
i like your devotional. it's really full of inspiration for me!! thank you.
I love how you related blog candy to jesus. I see Jesus in everything so this was perfect for me. Your devotionals are wonderful. Lazarus will continue to minister to us for many mores centuries to come! How was that for a testamony! I always say, a hundred years from now, what will matter. it is good to remember this when your house needs cleaning and your children need you. Which will be the testamony a hundred years from now.
Hi from Italy! You create so beautiful cards! Thanks for a chance to win, I've just put a link to my candybar and now I am a follower of your blog and "women to women" blog.
See you,
Thanks for the chance to win some blog candy. I do not have a blog so will have to rely on email to spread the word. I read your devotional; thanks for sharing your faith. I am very familiar with Mary, Martha, and Lazarus but it is always good to revisit them. Iris Soscia
Hello Grace from Sydney Australia!
I'm so impressed with your blog and so pleased to have found it. I have joined as a follower and have also posted your amazing Candy to my sidebar at
I'm off to read your devotional - Thankyou
Beautiful card you made today-loved how you distressed the Amazing Grace piece.
I signed up to get your blog on my Yahoo home page and linked your blog candy to my blog.
Thanks for the awesome candy~~ I became a follower. Your page is beautiful..
I will share the word with friends.
Beautiful Analogy! I am a follower, and will gladly spread the word on my blog! Thank you for the chance.
P.S. Happy Birthday to your Hubby! ( mine is the 22nd, so us Sept. babies gotta stick together!)
Great candy!! I've added a link to your candy on my blog. Thanks for the chance to win.
Grace! What can I say? I love your God-given talent with your art. What a touching and inspirational post for blog candy. I, of course, already follow all of the blogs. We may not understand the things that go on in our world or why things happen, but we do know that whatever happens that we will always have Jesus at our side. We don't need to question the why's or how's, but just to know that there is a plan for us and we are to live for Christ. We have trials for reasons. We suffer for reasons, but we don't always know what they are or why when they happen. Faith is believing in him without knowing and trusting with all our hearts even when we don't understand. I think that trials and bad times draw us closer to God. It could be why we suffer them for us to become closer to him. When have you been closest to God? When things were bad, right? When things are good, we tend to take it for granted. Thank you for reminding us to keep things in check.
I have you posted on my sidebar. Thank you for everything.
Many blessings to you!
Thanks for the chance to win :) Im going to link your blog right now! HUGS!
Interesting blog...Thanks so much for offering this amazing blog candy.I am a follower and I have added your blog candy to my side. Thanks for the chance to win!
Bisou ,TuKara from Tunisia
How generous of you to offer such nice candy. I posted a link to your site on my blog so others may enjoy it too.
Thank you so much for the opportunity to win this blog candy.. I signed up to be a follower, and put the banner on my blog.. I also read the devotional about the still small voice.. It is so true, we try to cram 37 hrs into 24 and then the next day we feel even further behind. Thank you so much.. Oh I also signed up to follow woman to woman.. :) great site too.. thanks again
I hope my other comment went through. :)
Wow Grace this is an amazing list of items included here! I'm off to sign up for Woman to Woman. I've really enjoyed looking through your blog. You've done some amazing work here!! I've got some great ideas from you! I don't have a blog but I'm scrappin beth on SCS.
Thanks for this opportunity and for Sharing with us your talents!
Beth Greco
Hi Grace unfortunately I do not have a blog yet but I will pass info about your blog to my rubber stamping buddies. Thank you for the chance to win this awesome blog candy.
Cheers Annie
hi thanks for being so generous, you candy looks so yummy yummy, and i hope can win it, and i love the scrapp, and i hope to make lovely cards like you =), have a ncie week regards and hugs from peru
Hi Grace!! I love your blog! I am definitely going to follow and also follow the Women to Women blog as well. I put a link to your candy on my side bar and I am off to go read your devotional right now!
You make so many wonderful points in your devotional. Jesus did offer the best "Candy" ever.
I especially love this:
"Another of my favorite passages is Jer. 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”"
I truly believe that Jesus wants us to have awesome lives and he will provide us with everything we need if we follow him and pray and ask. I am very much looking forward to reading more on the Women to Women blog!
Grace, first thank you for offering this fabulous blog candy, secondly what a wonderful way to glorify Jesus. Brillant!
I added a link on my blog and I am off to check out your devotional.
I just found your blog. I love your designs and the music on your blog. I kept it on all night. It is great how you are reaching out to others. I have told all the members of my Stamp Club about your blog. I do not have a blog. Keep up the great work and I will be back often.
I am now a follower,Im also a follwers of Our Lord ,I read daily .I loved your read on Women to women I joined there to .I place the lord in everything I do Because if where not for him I would not be the person I am today .And I give him Thanks.I love when I read a blog that beleives in the same thing I do.Thank you for sharing the other blog .And thank you for the chance to win the candy .I think I won Already by reading your blog .God Bless Sarah K
Aloha Grace! Thank you for the wonderful opportunity to win such wonderful blog candy.
God Bless You.
What a neat idea! I have added a link to my blog to spread the word!
Hi Grace. I've added your blog candy to my sidebar.
Thanks for the chance to win Gayle! I blogged about your candy here http://scrapwithsuzy.blogspot.com/2009/09/oh-la-la.html
Thanks again,
I've placed a link to your blog in my sidebar titled "The CandyBar". http://thepaperfreak.blogspot.com
I also follow the WTW blog. I read this week's devotional, and was convicted once again that I fail to speak out boldly for Christ far too often. I'm a public school teacher surrounded by many liberal-minded teachers who routinely ridicule Christianity, but speaking up has proven my weakest area. I will do as the devotional suggested and "pray for boldness to witness to Christ Jesus".
Thank you for your blog. It's an encouragement to me!
OOOO great candy. Thanks for the chance to win. I've added a link to my sidebar.
wonderful candy thanks so much for the chance to win
thanks for the second chance i read my devotional what a wonderful blog
Hi Grace my sister, i'm a daughter of the king too :)
it's nice to see your blog, full of blessings, first time here, wow i love the scriptures in your cards.
I've linked your blog in my side bar.
Hi Grace! I love your blog... and your devotionals. It was after reading the one about "followers" that I started following Women to Women, and now I'm following you, too! And pleased to do so! Thank you for sharing your love of Christ with us... it truly is balm for the soul.
P.S. I've posted your blog candy opportunity on my blog: http://lisahjulberg.blogspot.com/
Hello Grace! Thank you for offering this luscious candy.
I have posted a link to your blog candy on the sidebar of my blog: http://cardsandothermadness.blogspot.com/
Hi Grace! i'm a new follower of both of your blogs: Th-INK-ing of you and Women to Women. I also posted a link to your fab giveaway on my blog here:
I also ready your post "My Devotional" and I honestly like it.=)
I would comment about your post on the comment section of that entry. Thanks Grace! take Care!=)
Hi Grace,
I am a friend of lovely Linda and do not have a blog. She is a follower and now has led me to you. Linda so kindly popped me up on her blog with my first card and you left a very encouraging comment, Thankyou and also thankyou for giving me the opportunity to win this awesome candy.
God Bless Chriss
Thanks for the chance to win this such candy! I`ve added you on my sidebar.
Hugs, Marina.
Wow, I just found your sweet blog through your giveaway post,your candy giveaway is so sweet,that I have added your giveaway at my blog and have now the chance to follow you!Thanks so much for this great giveaway!!
postet at:www.alwayskawaii.com at the sidebar!
Hi Grace!
My mother's name was Grace and that is my middle name also. I love that name, but I love the Lord Jesus the most. I received him as my Saviour as a young child (I'm 60 now) and I'm so thankful for having Christian parents who taught me about Jesus. I'd love to win your blog candy. I don't have a blog but I will tell others about your blog. Judy
This is the first time I have saw your site and I want you to know that it inspires me so much. I truly love the first thing you said when telling alittle about yourself. I'm also a child of the King! I was a cabin leader this summer and the theme of the camp was I'm a Child of the King. I was a cabin leader for the ages of 6-8 and we had our own pre-theme and It was I'm God's Princess. I loved the decorating and letting all those girls know that they always have a father in heaven that loves them no matter what happens in this world. We also have a few things in common, I too have done and still love about all the crafts there are but lately I have found making cards my favorite, for the same reason as you. Well I'm going to check out everything else on your site I can get involved with. I almost forgot, I'm working on a blog but I'm having some problems trying to get things to post on my blog. I hope by the 25th I will have it figured out. I do have swaps I'm in on Scrapbooking.com and Splitcoast. I will advertise your site on the swaps. I hope I also have it posted by then. God Bless, JoAnn
What a wonderful tribute! If you do not have the Good Lord in your life...well, I do not know where you go. Thank your for your inspiration! You are a true Blessing to everyone who reads your blog....Thank you for sharing!
Hello. Thank you soo much for your wonderful candy! I am happy to get such a chance. Hope for the best.
Here is a link : www.kristalll.blogspot.com
Hi Grace,
Love your work and your words. Awesome, inspiring. I love that we can be Christians and Crafters, don't you?
Here is the link to my blog w/ your candy: http://loriplayingwithpaper.blogspot.com/2009/09/blog-candy-inspiration.html
I'm still trying to get the pic on my site.
I was pulled to Diane Stader's 08-14-09 devotional, "Planted In Joy". I needed to hear that message. I have been questioning, the bible for several years, since my mother died at age 59, with much ahead of her. Thank you for directing me to this message.
Great blog candy. Thanks for the chance to win!
Here's the link to my blog: Korttivintti.
Have a nice day! :)
Thanks for the chance to win
Thank you for a chance to win! :)
My link is on a left sidebar http://belyona.blogspot.com/
Natasha from Russia :)
Thanks for the chance to win your blog candy.
I love the devotionals and your blog.
Very inspiring.
Here is the link for my blog with your blog candy
Lovely candy and great cards! I have linked you.
Grace your Candy is just wonderful
thanks for the chance I've linked you in my sidebar
hugs Nikki C
Your other blog is just wonderful and very inspiring too
What a wonderful an big candy. Thank you for the chance to win!
Such a generous blog candy, thank you for the chance. I've linked you up in my sidebar.
Thank you so much for the link to the devotions. Today I was reading Hope's message about knowing the way, and the verse from Proverbs really spoke to me: Let your eyes look directly ahead I am facing some big challenges at the moment and this message was so timely for me. xx
Hello Grace! Thank you for offering this luscious candy.
I have posted a link to your blog candy on the sidebar of my blog:
I'm going to link your candy right now. Thank you for being such a bold witness. I love how you connected following a blog and Twitter to following God. : ) I'm Princess Scrap Girl and I have on my blog that I'm a Princess because I'm a child of the King!
Hi Grace,
Cute candy!Your blog is very inspirational
I linked your candy on my blog.
Thanks for the chance to win.
Hugs from México.
Hi Grace!
Great candy!
I love your snow card for the MMSC#19. That was truly fantastic!
Your cat also looks like a cool fellow to spend time with.
Thanks for the chance to win such a great candy!
I love your devotional...I can't tell you how perfect it was to discover it on this Sunday morning before waking my son up for church and Sunday school! I have had some things going on in my life that have been very trying but I keep discovering how Jesus is taking care of us and it comforts me so... Your devotional was just another gift he has shown me today! Thank God I'm His follower! The blog candy is wonderful! I became a follower of Women to Women (what a wonderful blog) and your beautiful blog too. Since I don't have one yet to link to you, I will tell all of my card making friends and the ladies in my Tuesday bible study about your blog. I had been gazing at your cards for a few months now (they are gorgeous) but today just happen to be an early morning where I had time to look further into your posts and I'm so thankful for that!
WOW! what great blog candy! I arrived here from the Stampers United Blog Hop and I believe I will become a "follower"! Very nice work! I do have a blog at sarassuenos.blogspot.com. My E-mail is yeacupsmom@yahoo.com. I will try to figure out how to link to my blog, but if I can't I will at least mention it in an entry! Thanks for the opportunity to win. God bless you.
Great Blog Candy Grace.....I am already a follower and have added your candy to my sidebar on my blog.
hello I would like to join your candy, thanks for offering it, greetings from Venezuela and here I leave the dire de mi blog
What a generous giveaway. I've linked to you in the sidebar on my blog. Thanks for the chance!
I have read "When the God of the universe answers you" and this post definitely looks so much like what I experienced yesterday ... When reacting to the fact that God works in strange ways and often do not realize that we respond to what we want according to his perfect plan in His perfect timing.
Thanks for these reflections ... Forgive my English is not very good, read these lines was as valuable as winning the candy ...
You have some beautiful cards and I'm glad I found the link to your blog! I've posted a link on my blog and become a follower. Thanks for linking me up to Women to Women as well.
Hi Grace!
Beautiful candy! Thanks for the chance to win!
I've posted a link on my blog.
What a beautiful candy!
I don't have my own blog yet, but i'll tell about yours to the people on my mail list. Your devotional really got me to think.
I've posted a link to my blog and become a follower. It took me awhile buy I think I did correctly.
to be honest I was lured here mainly because of the Prismacolor :-))
but I found more than that.
Though I've been a Christian since I was born, I'm very happy to 'find' Jesus in this blog candy thing :))
You are blessed with this genial idea, I hope this will many people to be saved by knowing the Jesus, the True Love and the only Truth. I hope WtW can help me to keep in His path.
Greeting from Indonesia :)
Btw..I also left comment on your post in Women to Women blog
oh and I also link your blog candy on my candy bar here
if you have time, would be happy if you can visit my FaithShip blog. Thank you for the chance!! :)
Hello! What a way to show a path to others and following more than once on here! I am a follower TWICE but plan to follow Jesus for the rest of my life and know that he has been there for me since I just had a tumor removed and we found out that it's not cancer! He is good! Thanks for a different kind of blog to open eyes of others! Carol M in TX / carolswingster77@aol.com. My new blog is http://stampn4scraps.blogspot.com and I hope I do this right... this is new to me but will mention your blog to addictedtoscrapping@yahoogroups.com as well
Grace ~~ I read your Devotional column I guess you can tell by my first comment. And what a perfect topic to talk about. Isn't it awesome?? I really like your blog and have "followed" you for my creativity side!! Thanks !! Carol M in TX / carolswingster77@aol.com
Thank you for the chance to win! My link is on the side bar
What a fabulous candy and your cards are gorgeous. Thank you for the chance. I linked you on my candypost:
Prism pencils in the blog candy!! I've wanted some for so long! I don't have a blog, but I will email my carding friends with your blog address. Thanks for a chance to win some GREAT candy!
Grace, ja również zostawiłam komentarz na swoim blogu
I like what you do on Women to Women.
Thanks for sharing with others not only with candy but also with faith.
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