Eph. 2:8
"For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith - and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God."
"For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith - and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God."

Our Birthday hop starts at the Stampin Sisters in Christ blog. The list of past and present designers (and links) is there in case you get lost along the way. You'll find many blessings as you hop, and chances to win prizes on individual blogs as well as a HUGE $50.00 Gift Certificate to the Sponsor of your choice on the SSIC Blog, so we hope you'll join us in celebrating our first birthday! The Stampin Sisters in Christ Blog is the place to start and finish. After you have visited each blog return to the SSIC Blog and share which was your favorite Scripture on today's hop. The winner of the goodies on the SSIC Blog will be drawn from those who left their favorite Scripture in a comment at the end of the hop. You have until Wed. Aug. 18, 11:59pm Eastern to complete the hop and leave your comment. The winner will be announced on the SSIC Blog on Thur. Aug 19.
As Stampin Sisters in Christ, our focus is to share God's Word with our readers, and in some small way we hope God will use it to touch hearts. So for our Birthday Celebration, we were asked to share one of our favorite Scriptures. I have so many... I have many favorite verses of comfort from the Psalms, words of wisdom from the Proverbs, verses of encouragement from the New Testament, etc. But when it boils right down to it.... the message of salvation by grace is the greatest message I've ever heard! It has freed me from the bondage of sin and given me a sure future in heaven with the Lord! What really is "grace"? It's unmerited, unearned favor! It's such a gift... free for all who will accept it! I could never work my way to heaven... no one could! You see, God is a Holy God. We tend to gloss over what that really means! Not only is He Holy in His own actions, but He is Holy in His nature, and He cannot abide with sin! In Romans we're told that the wages of sin is death. From the first sin of Adam and Eve, mankind has had a sinful nature and is unable to change that. So God in His infinite wisdom provided the way for us to be washed clean by the shed blood of His precious Son, Jesus. Jesus was the only one who could pay that price for man's sin, because He was without sin. When He died, the way was made for us to have our sins forgiven... removed from us as far as the east is from the west. It is offered to all! To receive the gift you simply have to accept (believe) that He did pay the price, and receive it for yourself! You recognize that you are a sinner, in need of a Savior, and ask Him to come into your life... forgive you from your sin, and be your Lord and Savior. It will radically change your life! I urge you today, if you are not sure of your future... if you do not have assurance that if you died today you'd go to heaven, why not accept the free gift offered to you by a God who loves you? If you have questions or would like to talk, use the email me link in my side bar! I'd love to share with you!
My card details:
Stamps: Our Daily Bread designs "Don't Worry", Scripture Collection 2 and Flower Frames 2 (New this month and designed to fit the larger Scriptures of Scripture Collections 1&2)
Ink: Memento Rich Cocoa
Paper: Shimmery base - The Paper Co, designer paper - BasicGrey Cappella, Gina K CS
Accessories: Copics to color the images, JOY corner die cut, EK Success vine border punch, MS Ribbon, Distress Inks for sponging
Stamps: Our Daily Bread designs "Don't Worry", Scripture Collection 2 and Flower Frames 2 (New this month and designed to fit the larger Scriptures of Scripture Collections 1&2)
Ink: Memento Rich Cocoa
Paper: Shimmery base - The Paper Co, designer paper - BasicGrey Cappella, Gina K CS
Accessories: Copics to color the images, JOY corner die cut, EK Success vine border punch, MS Ribbon, Distress Inks for sponging
Thanks so much for stopping by! I am blessed by your comments! Now the next stop on the Hop is Ceal!
Grace this is one of your best. I love the blue and brown together. It really does all boil down to this verse doesn't it. There is no greater gift than God's grace!
Thank you, a gorgeous card and such an inspirational verse.
Oh my!! This is just AMAZING! - YOU are amazing to create something THAT gorgeous! Love it!!
This is stunning Grace - I love everything about it - those corners Dies are DIVINE! What a truth you have shed with us - going around this Blog Hop is like having Church! Thank you for sharing your art and your heart Grace! {{{hugs}}}
Beautiful! the card and the message...Blessings to you my friend!
you always make the most beutifulest cards and this is no exception!
Wow Grace!I love the colors,flowers,and your verse!Awesome job!
Oh Grace I just love you and your heart for the Lord! Yes, without that gift of salvation, the other verses are like dust . . . so glad you chose this scripture and somehow I just knew you would! Gorgeous card, have a blessed day!
WOWZERS! Stunning card! and a verse that is such a comfort to all who accept HIS free gift!!!TFS
OH Grace, this is stunning..I love the verse you used for today's hop it not only explains salvation's plan so well but encourages us who has been in the army for many years, that this race started by grace and it will end with grace. I am so blessed to have you as a sister :)
Have a blessed day.
Absolutely Beautiful! love the colors and adore the scripture thanks for sharing this message of hope.
A lovely card and color combo and a wonderful explanation of a very important verse. Wonderful job all around!
beautiful card and I really like the color combo and how you framed the verse
Wow! What a wonderful message! I love that you chose a verse that is all about your name, Grace. God is so full of grace! So many people think their works can make it right with God, but like you said, the ONLY way to be right with God is by accepting His one and only Son. Thank you for sharing this message today and for making such a beautiful card to go with it! Blessings!
Such a beautiful card Grace and message that you shared with us. I'm so blessed to be amongst all of you and your wisdom.
Grace, you are right that when it all comes down, it is God's grace to us that means everything. I love your card. The color combo is gorgeous!
Halleluja! By grace, and nothing else! No other way leads to salvation
Perfect! Your card, your words are just what we all need to focus on.
Such a lovely card, Grace. The blue-petaled flowers look wonderful set against the brown of the background.
I believe this is the best gift of all the good gifts God has given and does give to us.
Hugs, Laurie
Wow, Grace, your card blows me away! One of the most beautiful I've ever seen! And your chosen verse--it's one that has comforted me many a time when I've been feeling down on myself. Beautiful job!
Oh Grace, what BEAUTY! This is so stunning and frames your verse perfectly. LOVE the flowers, love your colors, love that amazing frame too!! Spellbinders just keeps coming out with amazing products and it's impossible for me to keep up. I have so many on my wish list, LOL. But it's awesome to come and see them here and draw from your inspiring artwork. LOVE IT Grace.
Your words are the perfect testimony of salvation and the love of God--well said!
Wow Grace!!This is stunning!!I love the colors,image and the verse!
Awesome verse! Your card really makes it stand out perfectly!
What an awesome testimony you have shared with us not only through your card but your blog as well!
Your card is so pretty!!!
Oh, Grace you were so aptly named, for all of us who know you are blessed. You, so gracefully share your faith with others. Expecting nothing in return. It is so easy to get to heaven, why doesn't everyone accept Christ? Baffling to me.
Grace, your card is so lovely, just beautiful! Have a blessed day - and thanks for shareing His word.
Another powerful verse that encourages us in our walk with the Lord. Beautiful card too :o)
Oh Grace, you have melted my heart once again with your beautiful words and your gorgeous creation! What a blessing it is to call you friend! Love you, sister!!!
Gorgeous card Grace!! I love all the texture and the colors are fabulous. Love the verse as well:)
what a beautiful card and sentiment! i am following a great path of "just for me" scriptures!
A stunning card - simply beautiful. Thank you for sharing your faith with us.
I love your cards, Grace! I also love your heart... you are a wonderful woman of God and it shows.
Grace absolutely jaw dropping GORGEOUS!!!!! I LOVE this sweetie!
Bless you Grace for sharing this beauty - that scripture blows me away every time I think about it!!
WOW!!! What an absolutely gorgeous card!! I love the colors and all the details. And you are right, that verse is the greatest message we could ever hear. Thanks for the reminder.
This is so beautiful. What a blessing to continue to find wonderful inspiration here both in your artwork and as you share God's truth so beautifully. Good to "see" you again. Miss you!
As usual Grace your work is stunning and your words are truly inspirational.
AMEN! What a beautiful verse and you did an amazing job presenting it! Gorgeous colors and design! WOW!
Beautiful card and wonderful scripture!
Grace, you've summed it all up so beautifully, thank you for sharing the fundamental truth of the gospel...and a verse that God turns me to again and again as I always seem to need reminding that it is not me, but Christ!!
What freedom and soberness this verse brings to mind.
Your card is absolutely gorgeous, but then I knew it would be!!
Grace, you've summed it all up so beautifully, thank you for sharing the fundamental truth of the gospel...and a verse that God turns me to again and again as I always seem to need reminding that it is not me, but Christ!!
What freedom and soberness this verse brings to mind.
Your card is absolutely gorgeous, but then I knew it would be!!
Your card is awesomely made! I love the colors and the verse. God has given us so many gifts, and we share the gift of creativity. He is giving me a gift right now! We have been praying that our children would come to Christ, but they've resisted. We decided that maybe it wasn't His desire that we do it, but someone else that may have more impact to lead them gently. Two are still resisting, but one has asked to go to church with us next Sunday, after seeing her dad baptised not too long ago! PTL! He is so good!
Beautiful card and of course wonderful truth in God's Word. This gift of eternal life, how can people turn it down? I pray this blog and hop will be fruitful to the glory of God. God bless you all abundantly!
Another Fab card and important text xx
Grace, Exquisite card, perfect verse! Thank you for touching my heart this morning! Hugs, Magi
lovely card Grace,,,I am learning so much this morning, although I have heard some of these in church or bible study, it is always nice to hear them over and over again,
thanks for sharing.
Gorgeous!!!Perfect verse for your gorgeous card.
Grace, this is one gorgous card; the colors; the style. the workmanship are all amazing!
continue to B-Blessed of the Lord.
Oh my Grace! Not only is your card creation amazing and gorgeous but your words are truer than true! Thank you Lord!!!
Grace, you are such an incredible woman. This card is just beautiful! It is so easy to see that you made it from a place of love for Him, and not obligation. The colors are beautiful together. All of the cutting you did on the flowers and butterfly paid off! And, the bow is wonderful!
I LOVE when you start sharing about the Lord, and His love for us! You get so excited, it is easy to see in your words! It IS very exciting indeed. For where would we be without Him? Without His free gift of Salvation? And, it breaks my heart when people think they need to earn their way to heaven. It says right here that it is by grace..that we were saved. Not by works. It is through Faith...believing! And, of course, it isn't possible for us to do for ourselves, we need Him and His forgiveness, and we need to cling to Him once we have given our lives to Him, and asked Him to be our Lord and Dear Savior. Thank you for always sharing from the heart, Dear Grace! It is easy to see Him in you!
He IS Able,
Traci S.
Thank you, Grace. Your card is stunningly beautiful and I pray will draw many to read this critical passage of Scripture. . .one that the Lord has used, by His Spirit, to change the hearts of so many! Thank you for your faithfully sharing the good news: may the Lord use it for the conversion of many.
Ahhhhh - what a refreshing card- so encouraging too to know that it is by GRACE we have been saved - my works are like dirty rags in God's sight. Praise GOD for His mercy!!! Thanks for sharing this beauty Grace!
Your card is gorgeous! I love everything about it! Thank you for your wonderful testimony of faith and your glorious words of infinite wisdome! Blessings to you!!!
This is just stunning!
Oh Grace, your card is just stunning! I love the colors and your scripture really touches the heart - such words to live by! Beautifully done - TFS!
Gorgeous card, Grace!!!! I'm loving those colors!
Beautiful card and LOVE those flowers. Thank you for the beautiful Scripture, wonderful promises from Him and a reminder to us all. Pray someone who does not know Him would come to Him for salvation.
Oh wow Grace! Breathtaking. And another awesome verse chosen to work with! You ladies have really done a great job with this hop! Thanks for sharing!
Wow, I adore this card, Grace!! Stunning!
I just found Stampin Sisters a few days ago and as I've gone through the different blogs the scriptures you have all shared, along with the encouragements have been such a blessing to me. The art work has also spoken to my spirit as each has contained such a wonderful creativity along with the scriptures. You card is really breathtaking.
Hugs and Blessings,
obrigada por essa oportunidade,beijos,seguindo o caminho
Such a marvelous card, Grace! And that verse is fantastic -- it is the gift that He gives us again and again, day after day. What a reason to rejoice!
Oh Grace this is sooooo beautiful!!! I just love the framing and the colours are GORGEOUS!!!!
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