
Friday, February 27, 2009

A Black and White Silhouette with sparkle

Hello everyone!
Wow... yesterday flew by and I didn't get to start on cards until bedtime.... LOL! So I finished this about 2am. A group of friends over on SCS do a weekly challenge, and this week Dawn chose the theme... we were to make a black and white silhouette card. Well at 2am, not much looks good to me! I had made another one with Stampin Up! Essence of Love, but didn't like it when I got all done, so I grabbed my Stampendous set that I always love, and stamped it with Archival Jet Black. I layered it onto basic black and used my new ticket corner punch for the corner. I decided to go with a clean and simple layout to let the black and white pop. I did add some decor to the inside and the envelope with an Inkadinkado stamp. I added Black Diamond and Frosted Lace Stickles to the main image, although with the showers we're having today, my light is poor and I can't capture the sparkle. It IS there... just can't prove it! LOL! I also popped up the main panel. This was fun and actually challenging for me... I don't do CAS easily, but I always love the look when others do it... and this time I really like the way this came out!


  1. All right now, let me try this again. I just wrote a novel here and by the time I hit the post button it disapeared!?!?!Grace, I absolutely love this card. So very classy and clean! It's pretty amazing that you came up with this at 2 AM, I can't stay up past 10 PM,LOL!!! Gorgeous, keep them coming.
    Hugs, Sabrina

  2. I can see the sparkle. Beautiful card Grace. CAS but very elegant.

  3. I don't know why you try stamping at 2 a.m.? What happens then at 6? You must be sleeeeepy! Very elegant and very nice job at a CAS card.

  4. Wow - this is so classy looking. Love the silhouette look!!

  5. This is so striking. Love the simplicity of the black and white. Very elegant.

  6. Love your card, please email I want to know more about it.


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