
Thursday, February 19, 2009

His Holy Name Challenge Holy

Patter has been leading us in a Bible Study challenge where we are studying the names and attributes of God. We are making projects with the verses we have chosen to focus on within the name/ attribute for that week.
I am trying to make 6 x 6 pages to put in an album I have so that at the end of the study I will have a whole book with these Scriptures and in some cases definitions, etc.
I decided not to highly embellish these pages because the Scriptures are so precious I wanted them to stand out and be THE focal point. Some I will hand write... some I will generate on the computer as in this case.
God's Word is so rich and full of wonderful truth... and just studying the names of God can tell us so much about His character and attributes. I find that His word is fresh every day... no matter how long we have known Him, no matter how many times we've read His word... it always has a new truth for us to ponder!
Thanks Patter for doing this study and challenge! There is a link on the right hand side bar for "His Holy Name" challenge if you'd like to play along!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE the idea of these 6x6 pages in a book! They are beautiful! How wonderful to read through that when you are finished and meditate afresh on who God is. Won't it just draw you into His presence all over again. Just love this!


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