
Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Roman Road Color Challenge

Hello everyone! Whew.... I am exhausted from the trip and the amount of work required to move the kids, but all went well. We were very well organized and packed by the time the guys (my daughter's husband, and mine) got there to load. We loaded the largest Uhaul truck they make, plus the largest trailer they have, plus their truck, their car and my car all packed to the top.... and did it all in the pouring rain. We drove to TN on Sat in pouring rain. This was the most stressful part for me, because with firbromyalgia, driving long distances can be a killer, but God was gracious and I made it safely. The kids did not get the house they were trying for, so we put it all in storage until they can move into their house. Yes.... they did find another house and now are under contract so in a month, we have to do it again, but there won't be a long drive involved this time!!!

So... with that behind me, I had to make a card today before trying to catch up on housework and all the things I left behind.

This card was made for today's color challenge on SCS: Riding Hood Red, Kraft, and Summer Sun. I had received my Clear Dollar order the day I left, and was dying to use some, so even though a floral would have been easier in these colors, I used this wonderful stamp called "Roman Road". I have used the Roman Road often as a quick Scriptural walk through the process of Salvation offered to us through faith in the person and work of Jesus Christ.

I stamped it in Archival Jet Black on Georgia Pacific White, over stamped the cross in RR, then sponged on a "sun" in Summer Sun Pastels, using a sponge dauber. I brought rays of yellow radiating out from the sun to the edges of the paper, then sponged yellow and then red around the edges. I mounted this on a layer of Kraft, then used this great DP from Memory Box. It is a perfect match for Kraft and Riding Hood Red, and I thought the little blobs of red looked like the drops of blood shed for me on Calvary's cross.

I used my Cuttlebug and die cut to cut the Red scroll and flowers. Added yellow centers and that was it. A simple card that I hope sends a strong message on the wonderful gift God gave us when He sent His Son to die for us.

Thanks for stopping by my blog. I missed you all! Hugs to you!


  1. Grace, it is good to see you made it safely there and back. GOD is good!!!! I truly love this card and the scroll is just awesome.

    TFS this beauty

  2. I love your card. Great that you had safe travels.

  3. Glad that you are back safe. I really like the scroll accent over the top of the scripture verse. And it does work well with the color challenge for today. The Memory Box paper is very pretty, always so satisfying when it works out that way! A great verse to memorize and keep in our hearts.

  4. Hi, Grace, I just discovered you're now a blogger and I love your banner! So glad you survived the move of your's such a huge job and we never realize how much we accumulate until we have to pack it all up. I'm oohing and ahhing at your picture of the view from your window!! How utterly peaceful and beautiful! I'm at work and am being blessed by the music from your blog. Blessings to you...Wanda

  5. Grace,
    Glad to have you back!! Hope your arm/wrist feels better soon :)

  6. Welcome back Grace. We missed you and your wonderful creations. I am glad the move went (partially) well. I love the scoll work on the card - it brings everything together.

    Again - welcome home.

  7. Grace,
    We missed you so glad all went well, sounds like it was a lot of work but I'm sure you were very much appreciated.
    Beautiful card I love the stamp...
    Try to get some rest today, not too many chores...

  8. What an incredibly awesome card!! I LOVE the stamp you used. Can I ask who it's made by? Sorry if you mentioned it already. Bless you!

  9. Soooo glad you're back and WOW, you've been busy. I thought it would take you longer to recup, girl. You are on a roll...gotta check out the posts above...This is beautiful. How neat to have the full RR on this card. Great job on the challenge.


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