
Monday, August 3, 2009

Mojo 98 Rotating Birthday Card

Hello friends! Sorry it's been a few days since my last post! I've had quite the time since I last posted! Thursday my Computer crashed and after finding out what it would cost to have it fixed I decided to buy a new inexpensive laptop. Well.... loading all my programs and photos took forever!!! I still don't have everything but I have given up on getting more! I have the most needed things. My photos were backed up on sticks, thankfully, but when I imported them they all went into their own single little folders.... and we're talking THOUSANDS of photos! I could not figure out how to move multiple ones at a time! When I held down control plus selected the photos.... they all copied themselves! LOL! Talk about something to laugh about when this is all settled down! Anyhoo... I dragged them one by one into files and now I have an organized filing system again but I only did the most recent ones. I had way too many to do that way! Sat. evening after working on that all day I wanted to get outside for a bit and went to pick some veggies and got stung by a bee. Now that was not such a big deal but my pinkie is still twice the size of my other fingers... it's so fat you can't see a knuckle! LOL! Well... they say things come in threes and for me, the third thing was the hardest. Sun. morning I woke up with a bad migrane and almost stayed home but wanted to get to Church so I got myself in the shower, got ready to go and just before leaving I felt a roughness on my ring finger... you got it.... my diamond that I have had on my finger since my hubby proposed almost 4o years ago... had fallen out of the setting! So... after Church Sun. we both turned the house upside down! We went through garbage, cleaned floors, unmade the bed and checked there, and my hubby even opened the traps under the sinks. The shower is a bit different and he checked it but there isn't a typical trap there and now I'm just convinced that's where it is. Anyway.... to this point I have not found it. I know it's just a "thing", but it was precious to me. My hubby and I were in College when we got married, so money was tight and he gave me a beautiful diamond when we got engaged. I feel so badly about losing it. I'm still praying we might find it. I don't dare throw out or vacuum anything!

Here are a couple lessons I learned from this weekend's events!
1. Back up ALL your files often!
2. Have your jewelry settings checked often! I had had it done but apparently all this work we've done here has been hard on my rings.

OK... now on to my card! I had gotten a template for this rotating card at a craft show and wanted to try it out. When I saw the Mojo sketch for this week I knew I had to try it today.

I used a 2" circle stamper from JustRite and inserted the letters to fit the circle. If you spin the circle around it says "Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you dear friend". The template for the little square that the circle sits in is made for a 3" circle, which I didn't have so I adjusted mine to work, but the original template is by CleverCutts and was purchased from Art Gone Wild. My Dsp is DCWV "Sweet" Glitter Stack. I used a base of white, added my pink glittered dsp, and the white edge punched layer behind the little square is actually from a box wedding kit by EK Success that I got on clearance at Micheal's!

To make the circle sentiment, I stamped on GPW with Baja Blue, cut with a Nestie circle, then sponged around that and added a Pink Pirouette sponged scalloped circle. I drew out my template using a square Nestie as a template for the square size I would need, and scored the fold lines. I used a 3/4" circle punch to cut out a little thumb hole so you can spin the sentiment. I decided that to really fit the Mojo Sketch I needed to add an outside circle to my square so I cut another scalloped nestie and cut it on the inside with the straight edge one and sponged it with the Pink Pirouette. If I were to do it again, I'd not do scalloped circles on the inside and outside because depending on where you spin the sentiment to, the scallops may or may not line up right. Oh well... another lesson learned!

I punched a hole through all the layers and inserted my brad, using a little shimmery sponged flower behind that that I got from Clear Dollar Stamps. White ribbon completes the card. I'm glad I took the time today to play a little... I needed the card therapy!

Have a blessed week!



  1. WOW Grace, so clever love your rotating card...Wonderful take on the sketch!

  2. This is gorgeous, you are so creative. You poor thing haveing such a rough weekend. I pray you will find your diamond.

  3. Gorgeous card, Grace!!!! About your weekend, oh dear, what else could possibly go wrong? Good thing you had your files backed up, about your diamond. I'll say a special prayer for you. That is quite a big deal loosing something so special. I feel your pain, I lost a 1/2 carat diamond from an earring my DH gave me for one of our Anniversaries and I could not find it either. He still gets on me about that. Hope you'll find yours. Hugs and blessings, Sabrina

  4. I am sorry about the diamond that kind of thing does hurt. I lost one of my grandmother's earrings and was just about sick over it. Big hugs! Cute card though, very clever.

  5. Hello! My name is Nika!We are from Russia. My husband and I to work with students. We organize many clubs to construct attitudes friendship and to speak them about the Christ. I have ladys club, we to do hand made cards, scrapbook, quilt and crosstitch. It is good opportunity to testify about our God and His love! Every Saturday I have craft club for ladyes. We do cards, quilt, crochet, cross stitch too. It very not usual and new to Russian culture. I to study from different blogs how to make cards, made quilt and to use different technics. We are missionary to the Far East Russia. We are russian. We live in city Birobidzhan, it is the Jewish region in Russia. A lot of Jews live here. They have synagogues and to celebrate religious holidays. But many of them do not know the Christ. We have 2 daughters. Polina is 8 years and Liliya is 2 years.And if you are interesting about us I shall be glad give answer to you. I will glad if you can write me.Sorry my English.
    You can vizit to my blog
    and our family ministry blog

  6. What a beautiful card Grace,i love the papers and colours.

    Hugs Riet.x

  7. Oh Grace!! I'm so sorry for all you've been through in the past couple of days. Especially the ring. Although I know it's just an object, the sentimental value has to be extreme, and I'm sure you're more than heartbroken. But, oh my...40 years? Now that's a blessing!! I'd give up my ring today if it guaranteed me another 20 years with my husband. Obviously you realize it's an earthly treasure, but that still doesn't erase the hurt! So, I'll be praying for your peace Grace...and that you'll get your miracle and find it.

    Now, on to the card...what a beauty!! I love all the detail you put into it, and the rotating part is fabulous!!!

    Take care!!!

  8. Hi Grace:♥ ♥ ♥
    Ok about your DIAMOND calm down when My hubby and i were engaged he bought me a lovely ring, here is what happened.I was doing my nails on day getting ready for work the next morning, and noticed my diamond missing I was frantic! We had even moved after the diamond was lost. but months later My son found my diamond on my carpet as it was stuck in one of our chairs. so don't give up I also lost recently a beautiful heart shaped birth stone ring, my daughter gave me and I am heart broken but maybe if it is meant to be I will find that one too. so Grace keep the faith!
    Now on to your Beautiful card.
    The colors are just so very pretty and loving , love the little flower in the center and just everything about it Great job. I was hoping you were Ok since you had not posted for days and I know that isn't like you .Well I will pray you find your diamond and maybe if you vacuum real well it will get picked up look through the stuff you pick up.
    Good luck!
    ~ God Bless ~
    Hugs :o)
    ♥ ♥ ♥

  9. Oh Good Heavens Grace - you've had a horrid time of it haven't you??!!! You poor thing - I'm sending hugs your way!!!! This is an amazing card - I just LOVE how you've done the rotating thing and it's just so bright, happy and fun!!!

  10. Love the rotating card. Really cute.


  11. What a great resource!


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