
Saturday, March 13, 2010

Doilies and Lace

Hello everyone!  Hope you are having a blessed Saturday!  Mine has been hectic so far, but it's all good!

Today I have a card I made using Layers of Color stamp set Merci Bouquet.  I also wanted to play along with the Moxie Fab World challenge to use doilies and lace.

By the is Day One of the Anniversary Challenges at Our Daily Bread designs to use cotton!  Cotton is the traditional gift for the second anniversary, and Our Daily Bread designs is celebrating it's second anniversary this Wed. March 17th.  We are celebrating with daily challenges today through Tues, and then Wed. we will have a big Blog Hop revealing the brand new Special Edition Anniversary Sets!  There will be random drawings every day from those who participate in the challenges, plus there will be hidden blog candy on certain designer's blogs, but you won't know which ones have it... so be sure to visit all the players in that day's challenge and leave a comment to be eligible to win!  Check out all the details on this post on the Our Daily Bread designs blog!

Card details:
Stamps: Layers of Color Merci Bouquet, Canvas backgrounder by SU!
Ink: Memento
Designer Paper: First Blush by Prima, Gold from The Paper Co.
Card Stock: Bazzill
Accessories:  Spellbinders die cut, Copics, Joy Crafts Diamond die cut, THoltz Distress Inks, Cotton Lace, Paper Doily, pearls and gold beads from stash, ribbon in chocolate from ACMoore, dimensionals to raise up parts of the book and flowers.

Thanks so much for stopping by and have a blessed day!


  1. This is such a gorgeous card, Grace! Such Victorian loveliness!

  2. Grace, I literally almost fell off of my chair!!!! This is beyond words GORGEOUS!!!! All it needs is a frame to be hung on a wall!!! Awesome!!! Hugs and blessings, Sabrina

  3. Wow! What a beautiful card... I love the lace that you chose! and what a pretty stamp.

  4. Ahh, such beauty! Such romantic loveliness! Another winner, Grace!


  5. Oh Grace this is gorgeous.....and vintage old world look.....I love it....

  6. How wonderful Grace!!!! You have captured that lovely worn in all the right places vintage feel. Great card, just love it!

  7. Oh WOW Grace, this is stunning!! Love how you aged the heart doily!! Great job and beautiful lace and pearls as well--they really compliment this LOC stamp set so well. You are a natural!! *Ü*

  8. WOW! Warm rich colors and fabulous detailing! I need some of this beautiful lace! Love this whole look and your wonderful detailing, Grace! Gorgeous card! Blessings to you and yours!

  9. Love how vintage and pretty this! Lots of wonderful details! Great job with the Moxie Fab Doily challenge!


  10. Grace thsi is beautiful, love that heart and the wonderful lace!!!!

  11. *THUD* OMGosh Grace this is TOTALLY EXQUISITE!!!! I can only dream about making something as detailed and vintage as this!!!

  12. Oh Grace, this is so beautiful! I just love the vintage look of this card. Thank you so much for the inspiration.

  13. Perfect work, arrival transvoyeur chota tripleaders intensity flux

  14. HOw did I miss this in the Blog Hop yesterday??? I thought I went to everyone's blogs? This has such a gorgeous VINTAGE feel to it. I love the lace, the flowers and the sentiment in the book - in the heart. Beautifully done.

  15. wow!! That doily is incredible, the colors truly beautiful and the vintage look amazing! I love this!

  16. Dear Grace,

    This is such a lovely--moving piece. I hope that makes sense. I can't think of the phrase. It "speaks to me" sounds funny, but your art does that to me. I just look at it, take in everything...and pay attention to my emotions.

    This piece is especially wonderful to me. To me, the gold represents the cross, of course. And, look at the size of that reminds me of just how much love He has for all of us...but it hit me again, How much love He has for ME! That is truly a blessing. The "Thank You" sentiment seems like a thank you note I wrote to Him...and it is just endless, for I am always to be thankful to Him, it is so easy! Look at everything He has done for us!

    I love the Vintage looking lace it is beautiful and I love pearls. To me in this case, it is the frosting on a cake, or maybe more appropriately, the lace table cloth at the feast. Beautiful.

    OR, the heart could be a person's heart, laying it all at the cross. Giving all of my love to Him. Choosing to follow Him, Asking for Forgiveness. And, thanking Him for the amazing things He has done for us.

    Thank you for sharing this with me.

    He IS Able,
    Traci S.

    p.s. My next comment to you will be no more than 3 sentences. I promise.

    p.s.s. You are a wonderful artist and person,Grace!

  17. What a gorgeous card.. Love the lace.

  18. Really beautiful work! So glad I popped by : )

    Hope you will come by Julie's Open Window and connect on my NetworkedBlogs (I have done the same with you) and of course, I would love to have you follow. As a Christian myself, I am always happy to see others share their faith.

    I would also like to invite you to play over at The Play Date Cafe Challenge...wonderful work on your blog!

  19. love how you threaded the ribbon through the lace...just stunning!!

  20. I also LOVE how you threaded the ribbon through the lace! FAB detail!

  21. Hey Grace! Thanks so much for entering the Diggin' on Doilies and Lace challenge in the Moxie Fab World! :)


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a comment! It means so much to me!