
Monday, January 16, 2012

I will praise Him! Our prayers have been answered!

Hello my dear blogging friends!  I just had to share the news, as I know many of you have been praying with us for a job for my husband.  Well.... today was the day, and he was offered and accepted a wonderful job!  He has a few more weeks "off" while paperwork is processed, but early in Feb. he will be starting his new job and we are both so thankful!  We know this is an answer to prayer and we want to give all glory, honor and praise to the One who leads us, guides us and provides our every need!

Bless the LORD, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name. Pa 103:1

Please be blessed by this video of one of my favorite songs.  It's a bit old, but touches my heart every time I hear it.  God is faithful my friends. Thank you Lord!


  1. That is some great news Grace! I love it! Thanks for sharing this uplifting news with us!! God is so Good!

  2. Oh Grace this is such good news. God is so awesome and faithful.
    I feel so happy for you.
    I have never heard that song before. Such a beautiful song that ministered to my heart. Thank you for sharing.
    I have seen His faithfulness time and time again in my own life.
    Have a wonderful new year.
    Hugs Maz

  3. Great answer to prayer. Listened to the song too. A great way to start the day~

  4. Grace, I got goosebumps when I read your post! Congratulations and God Bless, my friend! Thanks for the beautiful song about faithfulness. So happy for you...

  5. HALLELUJAH!!!! I am rejoicing with you and your husband, Grace!! Thank you for the praise testimony! YES, GOD is faithful to his people!!

  6. That is such wonderful news, Grace.
    HE always provides our needs.

  7. Praise God! !! I'm so glad you let us know. God is so good to His children.

  8. Hi Grace~

    You were faithful, too. Praying and seeking prayer. And, waiting on the Lord.

    And, He is so faithful! And, He has answered your prayer with more than you thought possible! He is so Good!

    And, I love that you are so quick to give Him all of the Praise and Glory. You are a great example of a Christian woman!

    He IS Able!
    Traci Starkweather

  9. What an encourgementfor all of us. Thank you so much for sharing the great news of what God does for his own. We are facingthe same situation here as my husband will be released from his job after 30 years. What the future holds only God knows but the song says it all. Great is Hif faithfulness.

  10. Wonderful news Grace!! I am so happy for you both!!

  11. God is so good, Grace! I'm so happy for the two of you! I pray this job is everything you both want and need! Is this the one that is some distance from your home? Thanks for the reminder that He is faithful to us! Many blessings to you!
    Hugs, Clare

  12. Grace, Praise the Lord! He has honored your prayer and patience and provided. So happy for you and your DH. Hugs

  13. Woo hoo!! Praise God!! I am so happy for you and Al!!!!

  14. Wonderful news, Grace! I am so happy for him and for you .... may God continue to bless the both of you!

  15. so happy for the both of you....a day to celebrate for sure

  16. Wonderful news Grace! Give your hubby a hug and know it's from me to you too. Blessings indeed.

  17. Hi Grace
    God is so good! So happy for your husbands good news. Also...Damris is one of my favorite Christian singers of all. This is my most favorite song she sings "He's Been Faithful". I have a CD of one of her performances and just love watching it. Her songs she sings are so beautiful. Your blog hop card was beautiful, as well. Flessings...from Leanne

  18. Hi Grace...I'm mostly a lurker. Catching up on my blog reading today, I wanted you to know how much I enjoyed the song you have included in your post. It touched me so, as one week ago today, I buried my beloved husband of 24 years. We both knew that...'no matter how much we questioned God, He has been faithful to us.' Thank you Grace, and God Bless Your husband in his new endeavor.

  19. Praise God he is worthy to be praise. Yes and Amen

  20. Praise God! I am so happy to open my Google Reader this AM and read that your husband has found his job. The note I wrote myself has been on my desk as a reminder to pray, and I have wondered if he hadn't already had the prayer answered. The awesome song you included in this post says it all!

  21. Grace, praising God with you for His answered prayer and perfect provision!! I am so encouraged by your news and happy for both of you!!

  22. I'm so happy to hear how Our Father has blessed you and your family. Prayer is, in deed, a powerful thing!

    Love to you!
    Merilee xoxoxoxo

  23. Beautiful, thanks for sharing. I hope all is well with your husband at his new job. Be blessed.


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