
Thursday, January 26, 2012

It is Well with my Soul

Hello blogging friends!  I hope you have been enjoying a wonderful week!  I have had a very busy one beginning with a very special surprise birthday party my daughter and hubby threw for me on Sunday, and then a week filled with busyness including having a crown redone only to have it fall off again... and more fun things! LOL! 

Anyway...  I have a sneak peek for you today and I just love this stamp!  It is the sheet music to the old hymn "It is Well with my Soul", to be released on Feb. 1 by Our Daily Bread designs.   This hymn is one that has always been special to me.  After my sister died... this was the hymn I wanted to sing... and I did, with tears running down my cheeks, yet I was telling God that it was well with my soul.... I knew she was in a better place and that God makes no mistakes!  The story behind this old hymn is amazing!

Here is the story behind it if you are interested:

This hymn was written by a Chicago lawyer, Horatio G. Spafford. You might think to write a worship song titled,'It is well with my soul', you would indeed have to be a rich, successful Chicago lawyer. But the words,"When sorrows like sea billows roll ... It is well with my soul”, were not written during the happiest period of Spafford's life. On the contrary, they came from a man who had suffered almost unimaginable personal tragedy.

Horatio G. Spafford and his wife, Anna, were pretty well-known in 1860’s Chicago. And this was not just because of Horatio's legal career and business endeavors. The Spaffords were also prominent supporters and close friends of D.L. Moody, the famous preacher. In 1870, however, things started to go wrong. The Spaffords' only son was killed by scarlet fever at the age of four. A year later, it was fire rather than fever that struck. Horatio had invested heavily in real estate on the shores of Lake Michigan. In 1871, every one of these holdings was wiped out by the great Chicago Fire.

Aware of the toll that these disasters had taken on the family, Horatio decided to take his wife and four daughters on a holiday to England. And, not only did they need the rest -- DL Moody needed the help. He was traveling around Britain on one of his great evangelistic campaigns. Horatio and Anna planned to join Moody in late 1873. And so, the Spaffords traveled to New York in November, from where they were to catch the French steamer 'Ville de Havre' across the Atlantic. Yet just before they set sail, a last-minute business development forced Horatio to delay. Not wanting to ruin the family holiday, Spafford persuaded his family to go as planned. He would follow on later. With this decided, Anna and her four daughters sailed East to Europe while Spafford returned West to Chicago. Just nine days later, Spafford received a telegram from his wife in Wales. It read: "Saved alone."

On November 2nd 1873, the 'Ville de Havre' had collided with 'The Lochearn', an English vessel. It sank in only 12 minutes, claiming the lives of 226 people. Anna Spafford had stood bravely on the deck, with her daughters Annie, Maggie, Bessie and Tanetta clinging desperately to her. Her last memory had been of her baby being torn violently from her arms by the force of the waters. Anna was only saved from the fate of her daughters by a plank which floated beneath her unconscious body and propped her up. When the survivors of the wreck had been rescued, Mrs. Spafford's first reaction was one of complete despair. Then she heard a voice speak to her, "You were spared for a purpose." And she immediately recalled the words of a friend, "It's easy to be grateful and good when you have so much, but take care that you are not a fair-weather friend to God."

Upon hearing the terrible news, Horatio Spafford boarded the next ship out of New York to join his bereaved wife. Bertha Spafford (the fifth daughter of Horatio and Anna born later) explained that during her father's voyage, the captain of the ship had called him to the bridge. "A careful reckoning has been made", he said, "and I believe we are now passing the place where the de Havre was wrecked. The water is three miles deep." Horatio then returned to his cabin and penned the lyrics of his great hymn.

The words which Spafford wrote that day come from 2 Kings 4:26. They echo the response of the Shunammite woman to the sudden death of her only child. Though we are told "her soul is vexed within her", she still maintains that 'It is well." And Spafford's song reveals a man whose trust in the Lord is as unwavering as hers was.

Here are the lyrics, in case you can't read them above:

When peace, like a river, attendeth my way,
When sorrows like sea billows roll;
Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say,
It is well, it is well, with my soul

It is well, with my soul,
It is well, with my soul,
It is well, it is well, with my soul.
Though Satan should buffet, though trials should come,
Let this blest assurance control,
That Christ has regarded my helpless estate,
And hath shed His own blood for my soul.
It is well, with my soul,
It is well, with my soul,
It is well, it is well, with my soul.
My sin, oh, the bliss of this glorious thought!
My sin, not in part but the whole,
Is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no more,
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul!
It is well, with my soul,
It is well, with my soul,
It is well, it is well, with my soul.
And Lord, haste the day when my faith shall be sight,
The clouds be rolled back as a scroll;
The trump shall resound, and the Lord shall descend,
Even so, it is well with my soul.
It is well, with my soul,
It is well, with my soul,
It is well, it is well, with my soul.

 I hope this story blessed you !  Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Oh, this is also one of my favorite hymns...and especially for the reason of the story behind it! It's a great testimony of faith, the true unique strength of faith in our Father God!

    A beautiful post and beautiful card, Grace!

    Happy belated Birthday to you my friend!! Birthday hugs!

  2. Oh Grace - this is such a moving post - I love this hymn too and was so deeply touched when a friend stood up and sang it at her husbands funeral - it has such conviction when sung from the heart! I love your card and all of the details and especially loved reading your post - thank you dear friend for this beautiful reminder this morning! Glad you had a blessed birthday - I wish I lived closer! {{{hugs}}}

  3. Such an absolutely BEAUTIFUL card. And one of my favorite hymns. This stamp is going to the top of my wish list. And you card is going in my favs.

  4. Thank you Grace for blessing us with this card and your testimony, and for once again being able to read the story behind the hymn.
    This is a truly beautiful card. So glad to hear you had a wonderful birthday.

  5. One of my favorite hymns. I too have sung it with tears. I love reading the testimony behind the story again and again. IT IS WELL WITH MY SOUL... Beautiful, elegant creation!!!

  6. I post my comment with tears rolling down my cheeks. The hymn is a favorite, and I have heard/read it's creation story before. But this night it speaks to my soul. Thank you for that, Grace. Your card is wonderful.

  7. Grace, your card is beautiful and I like the stamp. I love the hymn. I never hear the song that I do not remember an older lady at church always sang this song as a solo. She is no longer with us, but I will always have the precious memories of her.

  8. What an amazing story. I never knew the story behind the hymn. Thank you for sharing.

  9. thank you for sharing both the moving story behind the hymn and your beautiful card grace-happy belated birthday

  10. Oh Grace, I did not know the history of this hymn and now that I do it will have even greater meaning to me. These are certainly words to hold close and remember as we toil through our days...That Christ has regarded my helpless estate, and hath shed His own blood for my soul - it is well with my soul. Bless you for this lovely card and this great devotional.

  11. First, I guess I missed your birthday - so Happy Belated Birthday, dear friend! Next...Grace, you have got me singing again, and DH and the dogs think I've lost my last bit of sanity...ha ha! Last, I absolutely love your card. It is so beautiful, and I enjoyed the story behind the song. Hugs and blessings to you!

  12. I love the hymn, it is one ofmy favorites. I love the card, it is beautiful! And, i love you, you are the best mom ever, hope you enjoyed your party!

  13. My daughter always hated singing hymns. She preferred praise songs. I purchased a book that lists the history of many hymns and got her to read it. Hymns are mostly so rich in theology. Thank you for sharing. I am looking forward to seeing Feb stamps.

  14. Grace, I am sad to say I do not know this hymn, but as soon as I post this comment, I'm going to go online to find it. The story behind it is amazing, and my tears flow so freely it's difficult to type. But as always, you inspire me. And God Himself keeps us safe in his arms, no matter where we are or what we are doing. Bless Him and Bless YOU! And, your card is beautiful... xo

  15. Прекрасно,вдъхновяващо и романтично,много съм впечатлена!!!!Хубав ден!!!

  16. Ah Grace have read this story before but it makes it none the less poignant does it - so thanks for sharing it and your card, Lord bless, Shaz in oz.x

  17. This is also one of my favorite hymns. I knew the story behind the writing of the hymn but not all the details you shared. Thanks for making it even more special.

    Your card is just...WOW!! It's so beautiful and a fitting tribute to this amazing hymn.

    Happy Birthday!

  18. Gorgeous card, Grace! You've showcased this wonderful hymn so beautifully! Thanks for sharing its history. Hugs to you!

  19. Hi Grace, this has always been one of my most beloved hymns. I knew the writer had lost his children during a voyage but had no idea he had previously lost his only son. Thanks so much for sharing this. It is beautiful. I have recently found your blog and am now following you, and will visit often. Please stop by my blog and perhaps you would like to follow me also. Have a wonderful day. Hugs, Chris

  20. Grace,beautiful hymn and a lovely card to accompany it. You have such a way of just knowing the right colors to match up and right touches to finish the cards. Gorgeous, hugs, Lori m

  21. This is such a beautiful hymn and makes me think of my Grandma since it was her favorite. You distressed edges and the flowers around the edge are gorgeous Grace!! Stunning!!

  22. This is gorgeous Grace..Every time I sing this song I am reminded why it was written and it always makes me cry.

  23. Oh what a beautiful card. STUNNING!!! I love your color choices. Thanks for sharing. Cyndie

  24. Grace, your card is soo very lovely...colors, embellishments, and the hymn center-stage is perfect!! I had heard parts of this story, but not all of it!! Thank you for sharing, it definitely touched me deeply!! Praying for you and husband as you embark on this new adventure!

  25. Beautiful card Grace! This hymn was a favorite of my parents thank you for sharing the story behind the words.

  26. This is one of my favorite hymns. I knew part of the story about the suthor but not all the details you shared. Thanks so much. It is very inspiring. God Bless.

  27. grace, this is STUNNING!! wow....I love this old hymm, and your card did it justice, love the beauty and love of Jesus you protray!!hugs

  28. Grace, beautiful card and thanks for sharing the story behind the hymn. I have always loved singing it in church but now I'm sure there will be tears as I sing now because of the story, but oh how we have hope in Jesus! Thanks

  29. Thanks for sharing that story behind the hymn...I will never hear the hymn quite the same way again. Lovely card as well!

  30. Happy belated birthday Grace! Thank you for sharing the story behind the hymn. I don't know how that poor man had the composure to write such a beautiful song at such an awful time! What an inspiring testament of his faith! Your card is gorgeous! The way you have distressed the edges is awesome! TYFS! Blessings! Patty W.

  31. Hi. I have heard this story before, but not told with such poignant detail. Yes, it's easy to love the Lord in the 'good times', but how much more faith it takes to love during the bad! - and shows true devotion to the God who gave His ALL for us! Thanks for this blessing. Sheila, in Shropshire,

  32. moving. Makes one stop and think, huh? A beautiful card for a beautiful hymn!


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