
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Some big changes in blogland that might effect you and me!

Follow my blog with Bloglovin

Hello my sweet friends!

Today I want to just let you know about some changes that will be happening in blog land beginning July 1.  Google is going to be removing it's Google Reader, so if you are one of the followers of my blog who follow through the reader, you will no longer be seeing my posts or anyone elses that you subscribe to that way.

If you subscribe via email... you are fine and should continue getting the email alerts that I have posted a new post.  If you follow through the Google reader as a "follow this blog" follower, I encourage you to go to or and download their reader program. Either of these readers will let you import your current Google reader.  Say yes to allow them to import your reader content, and your entire list will be saved and delivered to your new  reader.  I personally prefer Blog Lovin and have provided a link above for you to follow me that way,  but either is a good reader!

No matter what reader you use, please make sure that your subscription to my blog is to  I love my readers and don’t want anyone to get lost in this Google shuffle!!!

I did not combine this post with a card because I wanted everyone to  read this and take whatever steps you need to take to continue following the blogs you want to follow!

I will have something fun to share with you shortly!!!  In the meantime... please be sure to arrange for some way to follow your favorite blogs other than through the Google reader!!!!

hugs & blessings,


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a comment! It means so much to me!