
Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Enjoy Your Day and a Recipe!

ODBD stamps: Flip Flop Fun, Anchor the Soul, designed by Grace Nywening

Hello friends!  I'm popping in with another quick fun summer card using the Aug. ODBD release, to be released Aug. 1!

I used Flip Flop Fun for my little flip flops, and stamped them with Bermuda Bay ink.  I cut them out with the new ODBD Custom Flip Flop Die.  I stamped the sentiment from the same set on my "sand" layer also with Bermuda Bay.  I sponged some sand "dunes" on craft paper, using torn post it notes, and then sponged some blue water lines in the background.  My "towel" is a piece of fabric which I cut to size and then fringed on the ends.  I think it looks cute here.  I added some tiny shells from another new set (Anchor the Soul) and some bling on my flip flops and called it done. 

Thanks so much for looking!  I have been  making Roasted Tomato Sauce and putting it up! It's my newest "thing" that I just love!  The roasted tomatoes taste so yummy and it's an easy way to make sauce, and if you like chunky sauce along with other veggies on top of your pasta, this is the perfect base for it!   I'll be glad next winter when I pull out some yummy home grown and roasted sauce, even though right now it's a bit time consuming. I am making huge batches of this at a time, but I thought I'd share the basic recipe in case you'd like to try it.

Roasted Tomato Sauce with Garlic (makes about 2 cups)

Olive oil
2 pounds fresh tomatoes
8 cloves garlic, peeled and minced
Chopped Fresh Basil (to taste... I use several leaves per pan full)
4 TBS unsalted butter (optional)
Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper

Heat oven to 350 degrees and spritz 9 x 13 baking dish with Olive Oil.  I use spray for this but you can just use a little oil and spread it out.

Chop the tomatoes roughly but evenly.  Spread them in the baking dish.  Stir in the minced garlic,sprinkle with Basil, add a drizzle of olive oil, and about 1 tsp salt and some freshly ground black pepper.  Cut the butter in to small cubes and scatter evenly over the tomatoes.

Bake for about 3 hours.  You can do it less if you just want to go until the juice has started to release, but I find that 3 hours is best for my oven. I like to wait until the tomatoes have started to blacken a bit because you pick up a bit of a caramelized flavor and the sauce has started to thicken. 

Let me know if you try it!  We love it here at our house!

Today's blessing from the Word:

Ps 145:9 NIV
The Lord is good to all; He has compassion on all He has made.  



  1. Grace, this is just fabulous! What better way to celebrate summer than flip flops!

  2. Lovely card! I love the way you made the towel out of a piece of fabric! What a neat idea~

  3. Wonderful summer card, Grace! The little fabric towel is brilliant! Wonderful recipe, too! Hugs!

  4. Cute card. Love the flip flops. I never thought of using fabric on a have inspired me!would love for you to visit my blog.

  5. What a gorgeous card Grace - love the use of fabric for the towel :-).

  6. Wonderful card Grace. It sure is rewarding making dish from our own veggies :)I seriously wonder, how you manage a whole lot of things!! Amidst making such wonderful cards!!


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