
Friday, November 13, 2015

A Personal Praise and another Christmas card!

Hello friends!  I hope you are all well! 

I just got home from an Oncologist appointment that has been laying heavy on my heart as it was to get the results of all the tests he ran over the past 2 weeks and whether he thought I was healthy enough to move on to the chemo regime he had planned.   First of all... I just have to give God all the glory for answered prayers!  The PET scan was basically clean (only a couple little things that don't really change much).  I knew my chances of it having gone in to my lymph nodes were very high and I was even warned by the Dr that due to the tumor's size, it was quite likely it had metastasized to other organs, which would have really affected my long term outlook.  It has not!  Praise the Lord from whom all blessings flow!!!  So I start a year long Chemo and Biological drug regime on Tues am.  I will go every 3 weeks to get 4 different chemo and biological drugs for 18 weeks. I also will go once a week for a year (if my heart can take it), for a biological drug that they infuse the same way, but it's not supposed to put me down as much as the chemo drugs will.  It does pose a risk to the heart so that is another prayer request.  Also after the 18 weeks on chemo, I should be having surgery and radiation for 5-6 weeks.  I am so encouraged today, and I now have determination that I can make it through this.  It's going to be a long journey, but I know He is with me!  I have to thank all of you who have been praying for me as He hears and answers prayers! I would cherish your continued prayers as I begin treatment.  I know there will be a lot of difficult days, but I am so resting in His loving arms right now and I can't even express how grateful I am for how He has answered our prayers!!!

Today I'm sharing another Christmas card I made before all these tests began, using some great new dies from Our Daily Bread designs, as well as one of my all time favorite sets, You Will Find Refuge (the bird image).  

I stamped the bird image and lightly colored with Copics, then cut with the Custom Chickadee Die.  I used a craft base, then Always Artichoke, then white which I embossed with a Darice Pine Embossing folder.  I die cut the pine boughs from the new Lovely Leaves die set and the pinecones are from the new Pinecones die set.  The pinecones are two part, so I did the background in a darker color and the top part with craft. I then added Dazzling Diamond glitter liberally to it all.  I die cut the Merry Christmas Word dies from a slightly darker brown shade and adhered.  To embellish I just used some red twine and some clusters of red pearls.  Simple, but I love it because Chickadees are my absolute favorite birds! I love watching their acrobatics and just the wonder of how God has provided for even these tiny little birds!  If he cares that much for them, I know He cares for me!  The name of this set (You Will Find Refuge) comes from Ps. 91:4.  I went back to read the rest of this chapter and found it touching my heart in a special way today.  Here is the first part of the chapter:

"He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty.  I will say to the Lord, My refuge and my fortress, My God, in whom I trust!  For it is He who delivers you from the snare of the trapper and from the deadly pestilence.  He will cover you with His feathers and under His wings you may seek refuge.  His faithfulness is a shield and bulwark.  You will not be afraid ..."

Thanks so much for stopping by, for your prayers and notes of encouragement!


  1. Wonderful news, Grace! Still praying! Hugs!

    Your card is beautiful! The bird is one of my favorites from ODBD!

  2. Grace, I'm so happy that you got better news than anticipated...that is so wonderful! Still praying for you...sending hugs!

  3. I'm praising the Lord for your good news & encouragement. I will continue to pray for your health & safety during the treatments.

  4. Oh Grace I am so sorry about all that you have been going through, so good to hear there is such great news and I will be praying that all goes well with your treatment also.
    Your card is just lovely, I too love that bird and had to buy it. Love the branches and berries to give it that winter look, pretty embossing too! Such a wonderful verse to go with it.
    Take care

  5. Baruch, HaShem! I will daven for you a refuah Sh'lemah (a speedy and complete recovery!
    Chana Malkah Harris

  6. Oh, Grace, how I too praise God for His mercy in answering our prayers in such a wonderful and encouraging way. He truly is our Ultimate Shelter in all of the storms in our lives. And He will continue to shelter you under His wings. I know you've been continuing to seek His comfort and strength, and Walt and I continue to pray for you as you begin the treatment next week. Praise God and may all be to His glory! I love your card, and I too love this stamp set (it's one of my favorites and love this precious chickadee. And this Scripture passage is one that is of great comfort...especially as we age. Tender hugs, precious friend!

  7. Beautiful card! Prayers continuing. Julie

  8. I haven't commented since you shared your news, but I have been thinking about you and today's news is great! I have many breast cancer survivor friends, that have survived 20 years or more. The coming year may be a challenge, or you may sail through it, but either way, you WILL get through this, and will continue to be the shining light of God's grace.
    I will keep you in my prayers! Love, Penny

  9. Grace the good news is so great. God is so very good. It's so hard for our human minds to understand how he truly loves us. Praying for all your needs.

    Your card is beautiful. I love the bird.

  10. Grace, I am so happy to hear your good news. I am praying that He will wrap His arms around you to provide comfort and strength.

    I love the scripture for today.

    Your card is so pretty, I like how you used the pine branches with your little chickadee.

  11. I just read your news over at Our Daily Bread, Grace! I had to come over and tell you that I'm praying for you! You have been a wonderful inspiration to me, and I know that you will continue to inspire me...and so many you walk this path. Continue to hold tight to the Father's hand; He's got you!

  12. Oh Grace. I have just heard what you are going through. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Beautiful card too as always. :-)

  13. Grace, prayers for your journey.

  14. Grace I am thankful to hear these encouraging news. I will keep praying for endurance and peace as you start chemo, that God will give the Dr wisdom for the correct dosage. Thank God for your faithfulness to Grace.

  15. This is so beautiful, Grace!! I have this stamp, and now I want to make something pretty, too! I love your red pearl berries and pine branches!! I am so thankful to hear your good report; and will be lifting you I prayer in the coming weeks. Praise The Lord!!! May you continue to know his presence and be comforted.

  16. Grace, ODBD has asked us to pray with and for you as you go through this Valley experience. Please know the Our Savior will never leave you nor forsake you through this trial. Yes, it will be a long road and yes it will test you on levels you never knew you could handle. But Our God is faithful and He loves you and The Holy Spirit lives inside of you. Be strong Grace, I remain your Sister In Christ.

    "I will lift up mine eyes to the hills from whence cometh my help; my help comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth.
    "The Lord watches over you; the Lord is your shade on your right hand.
    "The Lord will keep you from all harm--He will watch over your life.
    "The Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forever more."
    Psalm 121

  17. Glory to God in the highest.. That He has you in the palm of His hand. I will be keeping you in prayer my sister.. Sending you Huggs.

  18. Answered prayers are awesome!
    I'm glad to hear that there is a very good chance for
    a cure. I've enjoyed reading your blog posts the past few years
    and always delight in your cards, although I usually don't comment.
    Prayers and blessings for healing!

  19. Love your card Grace. Chickadees are one of my favorites as well. Love your courage and faith. You have been in my prayers since you first told us.

    Love, Hugs and Blessings

  20. Grace your card is just lovely...

    So happy to read that the news that you received was better than you expected to hear. Jim and I have had you in our prayers and our hearts and will continue to do so.

  21. Grace, I am sorry to say that I don't often comment but I always read your blog and find comfort in your words. I have been praying for you and for God's healing touch. I was overjoyed at the good news today and will continue to pray for your complete recovery. God is so good to us and He has blessed me in so many ways. I pray that he continues to bless, heal and strengthen you.

  22. Oh Grace, I just learned of your diagnosis. Those early weeks are so overwhelming with all of the appointments and details and emotion that go with the treatment plan. I’m so grateful to hear that you’re getting positive news. Those are so important!

    I just wanted to let you know that i’ll be praying for you as you come to mind. Praying that God gives you a deep inner strength to fight in a good way. Praying you’ll see His hand and His care all over your treatment time, and that your physical health will allow them to move forward through all the drugs they’ll be throwing at you. Praying that even in the midst of all of this you’ll be like a tree planted by water, and that your inner being gets deeper and stronger as He sustains you, and brings you healing!

    Blessings lady!

  23. Great news. God is good and he answers our prayers. Will keep you in my prayers. We have a lady in our church that has just gone through chemo for breast cancer and it is her lymph nodes also. She will be having surgery in 3 weeks. She has been a big inspiration to everyone and gives God all the Glory.
    Love your card today and all your beautiful cards.

  24. Very beautiful card! You are an inspiration. Take care!

  25. Grace, I know this is an older post but I couldn't find your e-mail. I am heartbroken to read your news. But I am SO thankful that it wasn't as bad as the doctors originally thought. Please know that I will be praying, and if you are in the area, I would LOVE to get together for lunch. I think you have my cell phone number. Feel free to text or call anytime. Much love in Him!

    Oh, and BTW, your creations are amazing as always!!!!!!


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