
Friday, January 1, 2016

Happy New Year!!!

Hello friends! I wanted to just wish you all a blessed new year!  This year more than any other, I look forward to all that God is going to do in the year ahead!  Yes, I am praying for complete remission from cancer this year... but I'm also praying for a closer walk with my Lord and Savior,  more opportunities to share His indescribable gift with others, more fruit that will be pleasing in His sight, and I'm praying especially on behalf of our country that He will intervene in the direction we have been going, and the decisions we have been making especially these past few years!  I love my country, but  it breaks my heart to see how far we have strayed from our roots, our morals, and all the things that set us apart and gave us God's favor among the nations.  Is it possible that as we have pulled away from these values we were built upon, we are now seeing the withdrawal of God's blessings on our nation?  I think so!  

It's easy for us as believers to become discouraged.  We easily think that we've gone too far... that we can't do anything to stop the course we are on.... but I still believe that prayer changes things!  I still believe God can do anything!  I still believe He desires to bless us and wants us to turn back to Him.  I ask that all believers would join me in praying for our country especially in 2016 as decisions will be made this year that will have very long lasting repercussions!

Ps 27:6-9

Blessed be the Lord, because He has heard the voice of my supplications!  The Lord is my strength and my shield;  My heart trusted in Him, and I am helped;  Therefore my heart greatly rejoices, And with my song I will praise Him.

The Lord is their strength, and He is the saving refuge of His anointed.  Save your people, and bless your inheritance;  Shepherd them also, and bear them up forever. 

On a personal note... many have asked for an update on my health.  I have been put on a different chemo regimen, which so far seems to be more tolerable for me.  I began this new regimen this past Monday and it involves a repeating three week schedule of weekly infusions of one strong chemo and one biological targeted drug infusion,  3 infusions for one week, and then 4 infusions including a second strong chemo for one week.  It sounds confusing and in a way it is, but prayerfully this new chemo will be as effective as the one I was unable to take in killing the cancer cells.  We are praying hard for complete remission and in two more weeks I will be half way through my chemo!  I'm keeping my eyes on this first mile stone, as it makes it feel much more doable than taking the entire year as a whole.  The plan after chemo will be surgery, then radiation, and then the completion of a full year on one biological targeted drug that is given like chemo in an infusion, but is targeted to the particular type of cancer that I have.     We do cherish your continued prayers!  When I don't update, it does not mean I don't need prayer, but just that  I don't really have any new news to share yet.  I will update when there is any news!  So yes!  I do cherish your prayers in 2016!  Prayer changes things and I am so grateful for the ARMY of prayer warriors I have lifting me up in prayer!!!

Here is a photo of my daughter and granddaughter supporting me in my hat wearing days, as my head is now bald.  

I am so thankful for the loving care and support my family has been to me!  I am thankful for the incredible showering of love I have had from you my friends in blog land, my church friends and neighbors who have helped with meals, offers to help transport or sit with me if I need them, and cards cards, cards!  I love reading every one, as well as the emails, Facebook messages, phone calls and other special ways you have shown you care!  I couldn't face this without you and I truly love you all!  May God bless YOUR New Year with all His richest blessings!!!

With Love & Gratitude,


  1. Hi Teamie Grace! What a gorgeous and touchig post. Thank you for your special words Happy New Year to you! :)

  2. Please know that Im praying for you daily and thinking of you with hopes of a speedy recovery. God Bless you always. You're the sweetest and I simply adore you as much as the rest of the Crafty world does! Please stay strong! :)

  3. Dearest Grace,

    I have been following you for a few years now. Watching your creations for ODBD and your blog. You do such lovely work. It's no wonder that your creations are so beautiful. Your gentle peace of spirit is evident in your work. Thank you for sharing your journey through the storm in your midst. Your courage and strength in faith is such a blessing and testimony that inspires me for that closer walk also.

    With admiration and sisterly love in Christ, Pam Kelley

  4. Happy New Year. Love and prayers during the new year. You are a great witness to the Lord. May he continue to bless you.

  5. Thank you for the update. I am sure that I am not just speaking for myself when I say that it's great to hear from you and to know how you are doing and what you will be facing (treatment-wise) this coming year. I, too, pray for your complete recovery/remission. It's good to know that you have many loved ones close by who so willingly care for you in all the many ways you wrote about. That is a testament to who you are as a person and it's obvious that you are well loved by your community of family and friends. With or without a hat, your beauty shines through! Thank you for continuing to inspire your readers. Wishing you all of the very best in 2016!

  6. Thanks for the update, dear sister in Christ. You are always in my prayers, as is your family. I worry about and pray for our country, too. Love you, sweet friend!

  7. I pray the Lord has His healing hands upon your body in this new year! I pray you can tolerate the chemo! I also pray God will heal this nation and give us a God-fearing president. Blessings and big hugs Grace!

  8. Thank you for your update Dear Grace - I pray for you daily.
    May God be your strength and your song.

  9. I am praying for your complete healing and for you to have a blessed 2016.

  10. We have a group of ladies that get together weekly and pray for our country our church and then ourselves, we all feel that our country needs a lot of prayer and needs to change the direction we are headed to. You are in my daily prayers and it is good to hear an update on how things are going. May God lift you up and give continual strength as you deal with the days ahead and may it be a blessed year for you!

  11. Grace thank you for the update...You know Jim and I are continually praying for you, and praying (as Debbie in a comment above mine said)..."Complete healing." Your strength and courage have been such an inspiration to so many. Hope this new year brings lots of blessings and wonderful GOOD and happy surprises for you.
    The pic you shared is adorable love seeing the smiling faces.

  12. Grace, sweet sweet Grace, I'm so sorry to hear about all that you're going through, I did not know. Life takes us down so many different roads and I'm so grateful to have had the opportunity to have shared time with you on the ODBD teams - and I wish I could still access the prayer requests thread on base camp, I'd have been praying like crazy all along!! Know that you and your family are in my prayers now and throughout the difficult times ahead. You are an amazing woman, and an inspiration to so many right now. Sending my love and prayers!!

  13. Happy New Year Grace! I am so sorry to hear about your health Grace. I will be keeping you in prayer. My son has been very ill, he has been in ICU since Nov5, just got home this weekend, but we are still not out of the woods yet. His faith is strong as mine, God's will be done. We pray for a healing but if it does not come about, God still sits on the throne and cares about us.

  14. Oh, my precious friend, I am so touched by your post. Yes, God is always with us (and our country) through it all and has it all under control and knows what the outcome will be. Walt and I and our small group continue to pray for you (and your dear family) as you continue treatment. We know God will do a good work both in your body and in your heart and life. It's such comfort to know that God loves to give us good things and allows the hard times to grow us, and He also allows these trials so others can see how we shine His light...and that you have already and I know you will continue. Thank you for the complete update, and I am so blessed by you and our friendship. Tender (and Susie's) hugs, Cheryl

  15. My beautiful blog friend, Grace...I just found out today about your cancer. While I was sad to hear it, I just HAD to praise God anyway. I know that if anyone can stand up to the trials of this world, it is you my Sister. I am trusting that God will sustain you and heal you, and I'm CERTAIN that His grace will always be sufficient for you. Please know that I am praying daily for you, and will continue to do so. He has us walk through the valleys so that we will grow closer to Him, and I know that you are using this time to draw nigh to Him. Trust in His unfailing and limitless power to heal. He is SO amazing, and I am claiming His promises in knowing that He will never leave you or forsake you. We don't always know exactly what the future holds, but we always know WHO holds the future. Be strong and of good courage, God has got you in the palm of His might hand. There is NOTHING that can ever separate you from His love and His care. I'm here for you, and I am praying for you and your beautiful family.
    Your friend, sister in the Lord, and partner in prayer,
    Karen Letchworth

  16. Hi my sweet friend!! I loved your post and tried reading it out loud to my hubby as I've told him all about you but kept breaking down with tears because of your beautiful thoughts and words!! All so true!
    I loved hearing your personal update and how you are doing! You just seem sooo strong to me, a real inspiration!
    I do pray for you Grace, I know it is a long battle and we can't let down our wall of prayer! Standing in the gap! God bless you greatly Grace!

  17. Happy New Year to a Wonderful Sweet Lady,Sending you many prayers to get better and beat this Cancer. in this new year "2016" I am sure Jesus is with you always and loves you and needs you to continue sending his message . May God Bless You my Dear Friend.



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